Thursday, 23 October 2014

Being Columbus

A few days ago I set sail for a new world. My plan was to explore it, meet the indigenous peoples and see if I could trade with them.

It is extremely strange. I don't think that I have met any of the locals yet. I can't figure out how they communicate with each other because they all seem to be invisible. I am enjoying being there despite the lack of progress and today I thought that I would show them some baubles in the hope of initiating some kind of trade. (They can see this post) I will accept anything of value in exchange for my trinkets.
To keep my friends back home entertained (They can also see this post) these are all new baubles and today my baubles will all be flowers.
This one is called the Scarlet Pimpernel.

There is also a Yellow Pimpernel, related by family but a different genus.

That is enough Pimpernels.
This next one is a Speedwell. This is Thyme-leaved Speedwell.

There are quite a few different Speedwells and while the structure of the plant may vary a lot, the flower tells you that this is another type of Speedwell.

Wood Speedwell.

Germander Speedwell.

The very  tiny Ivy-leaved Speedwell comes in two colours.

Veronica hederifolia subspecies hederifolia


Veronica hederifolia subspecies lucorum

Other than colour they are pretty much identical.

Last of the Speedwells for now this one is Common Field-speedwell.

Here is one that everyone knows, I have seen this on a lot of blogs this summer.

This is Queen Anne's Lace (Wild Carrot)

So this is what has happened:

From time to time somebody visits me from the other side. I am trying to reach out and contact them. I have put a foot on their land, let us see if they want to trade.
Blogger is a complete mystery to me but it only takes me a few minutes to copy and paste something that I have written for this blog into the other world.
If anybody here understands their culture then I could use a few tips.
I can't see how they like a post. There is a little +1 sign that has appeared at the bottom of one of my posts, that may be their way of saying that somebody liked it but if so then how do you find out who liked it?
I can't find a way to search for blogs that I may like, for instance to search for blogs about nature.
It is a very alien world but I am trying to emphasize that I come in peace and for trade. Later if they don't die of our diseases and we can't convert them then we will probably have to shoot them and steal their land. I think that is what colonists do but I will do some more research first. (Let's keep that amongst ourselves for now)
I will just show them one more trinket. There are so many to choose from....
How about Ragged Robin?

I will let you know if I am able to make contact with anyone from the other side. It is all very exciting, I wonder what they will look like, just like you and me I guess  :)

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